Penguin Environmental Design

Cat’s Eye View of Japanese Architecture vol. 5 – Perishable Landscape

Do you know what colored maple leaves and cherry blossoms have in common? The answer is that both are perishable. Their colors, red of maple and pink of cherry, last only for a few days. Japanese people cherish them because of their short lives. Yes, I said “because of”, not “in spite of”. The logical […]

New Haven Rotary Club Invited PED for a Healing Garden Talk

It would be nice to become refleshed by just attending a lunch time talk, would it not? And that was what we saw at the New Haven Rotary Club when Takaya gave another talk on “Healing Gardens and Japanese Gardens: Their Curious Relationship” .  Although his talk is not the therapeutic session itself , but to […]

Healing Garden Talk at Cheshire Rotary Club, CT

Takaya Kurimoto of PED presented a talk on “Healing Gardens and Japanese Gardens” at the Rotary Club meeting in Cheshire, Connecticut. There is a curious relationship between these two different gardens! If you want to know more about it, please contact us at . Thank you very much for members of the Rotary Club of Cheshire! […]

Mizuya- Where Water Purifies You and Your Tea Bowls

Some of you may know the Japanese term Mizuya (水屋), expressed with Chinese characters for “water” and “house”, as a type of Japanese kitchen chests. It is getting popular in New York and other metropolises. Yet did you realize that Mizuya  initially had a quite different meaning? Mizuya originally referred to, and still could refer to, a gazebo built over a water […]

Sansui- Mountains and Water in Japanese Gardens

At our talk in April in New York, among a variety of questions we were happy to receive, there was an interesting one that could be called a linguestic question: “What does sansui (山水) mean? Does it mean nature or a garden?” In Japanese, san (山) means a mountain and sui (水) means water. Combined, […]

Japanese + Modern
